En Fundación FLOR pensamos que la inclusión financiera y la independencia económica de las mujeres constituyen dos factores claves para lograr un cambio positivo en la sociedad. Cosas de Mujeres es un programa pensado para abordar esa problemática acompañando a mujeres a desarrollar su primer emprendimiento o a afianzar uno ya comenzado. Una propuesta sin costo, pensada para derribar barreras otorgando herramientas, personales y profesionales que contribuyan al crecimiento de cada participante.
Editions made
It is a program that addresses themes from the female perspective and works on the mental models necessary to strengthen personal autonomy and independence.
Permite tejer redes y comenzar a compartir recursos, consultas y contención con otras mujeres en situaciones similares a la tuya, a fines de generar proyectos futuros
We will share job opportunities, events, talks, activities of our Foundation and other organizations that work on related issues so that you can participate and make your projects visible.
Empoderamiento, modelos mentales, sesgos.
Relación con el dinero. Lo económico y lo financiero. Presupuesto personal y del emprendimiento.
La importancia de la comunicación y las redes sociales para visibilizar el proyecto.
7 encuentros virtuales
Encuentro 1: Presentación
ENCUENTRO 2: Derribando barreras.
ENCUENTRO 3: Mi relación con el dinero.
ENCUENTRO 4: Armando mi modelo de negocio.
ENCUENTRO 5: Comunicación estratégica del emprendimiento.
ENCUENTRO 6: El desafío de comunicar en redes sociales.
ENCUENTRO 7: Tejiendo redes. Mentoría grupal.
**El programa puede sufrir modificaciones/ajustes de contenido, facilitadores o duración los cuáles serán avisados con la debida antelación.
Laura Tula
Dirección Académica
Florencia Coda
Program Assistant
Andrea Grobocopatel
Presidencia de Fundación FLOR
Participating in the Women's Affairs (CDM) course was a rewarding time where, in addition to sharing experiences with other women and growing with them, I learned that the word VALUE had such an important meaning: I learned to value the things I do in a different way, to give value to my time, my person, my projects and especially my entrepreneurship. It taught me to discover strengths, to empower myself and help empower others, to have confidence in myself.
Carina Capurro
Entrepreneur "Material Didáctico para tus Clases"Participating in the Women's Affairs (CDM) was very significant for me. Being able to share with other entrepreneurs the same concerns, the same obstacles and learn from each one, was incredible. The invaluable information that they provided us from the foundation, in each speaker, each practical exercise placed us in a privileged place. THANK YOU I only have to thank and wait for another meeting to continue nourishing myself
Sofia Torrallardona
Sommelier & Marketing Cava TorraI discovered not only a group of women entrepreneurs and with very interesting projects, but also women who wanted to improve themselves, women looking for an opportunity to grow and improve themselves. Today "LUNA tejidos artesanales" is little by little a small entrepreneurship that with the tools that Women's Affairs (CDM) gave me I am trying to keep going. But most importantly, it taught me to believe that I could and was capable of undertaking anything I wanted with tenacity, passion, and will.
Rosana Luna
Entrepreneur “LUNA Tejidos Artesanales”In the Women's Affairs (CDM) program, dreams become projects, and projects become actions. It is a space in which without losing sight of the reality of each one, infinite possibilities open up. Optimism and solidarity are always present and at the end we all take with us a fundamental concept: "networking".
S. Villalba, F. Sagaz, A. Macazaga y Y. Tabarez
Guazzaroni Grecco SA Team - Nueve de JulioMy experience with the Women's Affairs (CDM) Program was, and continues to be, positive. We managed to have our Radio on the Internet. I am very happy because we have connections from different parts of the world. UNIMAGINABLE FOR ME
Alicia Santos
Journalist - Owner of Radio “La Centro”For me things about women was a resounding change, I didn't know what to do, I arrived with no idea what I was going to do, I was 26 years old, a 6-month-old baby, I was about to finish my degree and I lived with my mom. My dad had passed away a year ago. A year later I already had my house, work and today at 30 I have my own multispace which I coordinate, employing 10 people, I did several careers, I work in my city and I coordinate chairs and I teach at the Argentine Psychosocial Center in several cities of the country. Even with more projects!
Stefania Soledad Alcazar
Educational PsychologistSend us your questions
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